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Accounts & Management Account Services


Year end accounts

Forth Accountancy can provide year end accounts for a range of entities including;

  • Limited companies

  • Partnerships

  • Sole Traders

  • Trusts

  • Charity & CIC


We provide compliant accounts that are electronically submitted to Companies House and HMRC.

Whilst reviewing your data for accounts production we highlight any areas where tax savings or other cost savings could be made, providing a pro active service for you.


Management Accounts

Monthly or quarterly management accounts can assist in providing focus on the profitability and liquidity of the business.


The accounts can include details on margin, specific customer or supplier performance and review of effectiveness of cash use in the business.


Alongside the provision of the accounts is time with Claire who can talk through the areas of the accounts and assist in providing pro active actions that will help the business move forwards to meet its targets.

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